Improving our public transport connections Ben has secured a new £1.5bn Transport Fund, which is game changing and can be used to deliver improvements to road, bus and rail travel. There's more to come...

A joined up, reasonably priced and fit for purpose public transport network can deliver a simple integrated ticketing system to 'tap on and tap off' all kinds of public transport. Ben plans to introduce free travel for all young people to access education. He will also invest more in ensuring every area is connected with bus services. The new Transport fund Ben has secured means major new road and rail projects can now finally be delivered. 

Thanks to the £1.5bn Transport Fund Ben has secured, there are HUGE opportunities to improve our public transport network, make it more sustainable, more integrated and accessible to more people.

If elected next May, Ben will:

- Work with NET to make the tram network financially viable and more integrated with other local services.

- Work with bus companies to fill gaps in the network, including extending new 'On Demand' bus services to villages across both counties.

- Extend local transport concessions to young people travelling to school or education, to ensure that money is no barrier to accessing the right course or education provider.

- Work with neighbouring Mayors in areas such as Greater Manchester, Yorkshire and the West Midlands to ensure that our networks are more joined up.

- Use new capital funding to deliver transport projects that have been promised for many years, including restoring railway provision and delivering new road improvements and bypasses.

- Invest more in sorting out roads and highways maintenance, recognising that this is a major priority for many residents. 




With the results of the Mayoral election now announced, unfortunately I haven't been successful and Labour's Claire Ward will be the new East Midlands Mayor. Can I start by congratulating her on this success. This is an important role and a huge opportunity to deliver more for our area.

Ben Bradley grilled by ex-BBC Political Editor

Throughout this contest it's been clear that Ben Bradley is the only candidate who has the experience and the understanding of this devolution deal, and is the only candidate that will do the job effectively.

Mayoral candidate Ben Bradley highlights his top 4 priorities for transport

One of the main roles of the Mayor will be to manage and improve local transport infrastructure. It's a key part of everything we do, and of our economy. Ben has four key transport priorities:

1) Fix the roads, with new investment in proper resurfacing rather than short term repairs.